Sunday, September 18, 2011

Time for the Little Orange Boxes!

Families, I Need Your Help…

Our church participates each year in collecting money for UNICEF through a program called Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF (you may recall the bright orange boxes). J

Dixie Tomasello puts together an October calendar every year to accompany the boxes as a fun way for children to collect coins. Each day has a suggested activity with a suggested coin amount.

Her hope is to include the children of our church in the calendar making process. We would like to cover all 31 days with suggested activities along with the name of the child that came up with the idea.

A few examples from past calendars:

*Give 5cents for each bottle of medicine in your house.
*Give 10cents for every pound you weighed when you were born.
*Give 1cents for every sock you own.
*Give 10cents for every box of cereal in your kitchen.

If you would like your child to participate, I will need all of the ideas by next Sunday preferably via email so I can send them directly to Dixie. This will be a fun way for the kids to see their name as well as see their friend’s name.

Thank you for your help!!

Check out Trick-or-Treating for UNICEF for more detailed information about UNICEF and all the ways they bless the children of the world.

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